Why I’m making videos again.

Greetings, dear voyager.

Remember back in 2020 when I dabbled in creating content for the ubiquitous Seulement les Fans? Or maybe you found me more recently and missed that chapter? Anyway, I did. And I hated it.

It was a financial move at the time, and my decision held no root in passion. Like so many, I was vulnerable. I was in financial survival mode at the time, and I couldn’t just not work. In-person dating had ground to a halt and I needed to figure something out. So I gave it a shot.

And by that I mean I went all in— cranking out custom videos, carrying on lengthy DM chats, over-promising, and heaping maximal stress upon myself.

The one positive to come from that chapter was that my clients and I were able to stay in touch while remaining physically apart. I will always feel immense gratitude for them, and for how they chose to contribute to my life from afar. They kept me afloat financially, and in a way, we kept each other sane.

But then… then there was the rest of it, and the hustle just wasn’t for me. So I quit upon meeting the good client from What Differentiates a Bad Client From a Good One.

Fast forward to 2025—I’m making videos again, and I love it! I’m approaching it differently. I’ve never felt hotter, more empowered, or more voracious, and after all the health challenges I’ve faced over the last few years, I deserve to show it all off.

As I approach 41, I’m rowing 300# before running, knocking out full-ROM pull-ups, and thriving on 3,500–4,000 calories a day in ketosis. And when it comes to men? I’m turning heads and leaning into my incorrigibility.

This project is also about building off my writing—sharing another side of my sensual, erotic self with those who’ve long read my words. Now there’s footage of me in motion, and with others. I feel like this medium beautifully compliments my writing.

And to cap it all off, I’ve set clear, realistic expectations for my subscribers, creating a pace that works for both of us. As I put it in my bio: This is a very part-time horny adventure and the dirty counterpart to my erotic writing.

Click here if you’d like to check out this passion side-project. 🙂