FAQs & Faves

and intriguing insights.
Take a peek at my free Substack – On Sex & Donuts – for vlog diary entries like this. 🙂



“What do you do to protect my privacy?”

I screen, and I screen thoroughly. In order to protect everyone in my circle, I require real world information from you in order to reserve a date. I regularly delete all emails/booking emails, and this website was built by and is hosted offshore by a highly reputable agency that works solely for companions.

My reputation is easily researched. My online footprint is vast, and if I was known for indiscretion and lack of consideration for the privacy of others, you would find nods to that while researching me.




I’m glad you asked! I explain this in easily digestible detail on my Reviews page.




“Are you available for morning dates?”

I’m generally an early riser and enjoy accommodating before-work dates as early as 7am with advanced notice.




“Where is your Chicago incall & what can I expect there?”

 I address this on my booking page. 




“Where do you go for Chicago outcalls?”

This is also addressed on my booking page. 





“What do you expect of me if you’re visiting me?”

Please be discreet, especially if you are required to fetch me from the lobby of a keycard protected hotel or if our date includes public time such as grabbing a drink or a bite to eat. Loud exclamations of “Alyx!!!” or attempts at gratuitous public displays of affection (groping, fondling, making out wildly)  are indiscreet and make me feel unsafe. If I am made to feel unsafe, I reserve the right to terminate the booking.




“What do you expect of me if I’m visiting you?”

Please be communicative and alert me to any delays. Please follow my promptly distributed/easy to understand directions and ask for clarification if needed.




In addition to having a BS in human services, I am a certified personal trainer. Over the years, I’ve worked within the realms of social work, personal training, and startups. While on hiatus in 2021, I worked on a really cool guerrilla marketing campaign for a Brooklyn based company and had a blast, and am currently immersed in a rotating series of new ventures outside of sex work.

My entrepreneurial style is Throw a Bunch of Pancakes at the Wall and See What Sticks, and somehow this always works out in my favor. I invite you to visit On Sex & Donuts for periodic candid glimpses into this part of my life.




“Where did you go in 2022, and – follow up – what happened to your old site / blog / vlog?”

I stepped away to avail myself of a highly advantageous relationship and work on my Hustl-Up brand (which I decided to temporarily shelve) as well as a really cool Brooklyn-based startup. In the process, I accidentally deleted my entire site and somehow caused Vimeo – the platform on which all of my video diary entries were hosted – to give me the boot. 🤡

See this blog post: A $40,000 Dress Covered in Red Wine




“What happened to your OnlyFans?”

Upon returning from hiatus, I considered reinstating my OnlyFans and stocking it with my existing edging content. But then I realized that I prefer to not have one, despite recognizing the role it played in client procurement between 2020 and 2021. I’m not on the hunt for a billion new men, my time here is finite, and I am content.

I was, however, excited to repost this shadowy, smutty clip in the interest of teasing you. 😉 You may find another teasing edging video here.




“Didn’t you used to have another blog?”

I did! Click here to visit the blast from the past that is alyxerotic.com.




“Can we party together? What if I see you after I’ve been drinking for hours?”

I do not do drugs, nor do I drink to excess. Nor do I choose to spend time with people who are sloppy drunk or in any way chemically impaired.




“What can I do to render you smitten?”

Take a look at this blog post I wrote. 😉 It also includes nods to various date ideas upon which I’ll soon expand!




“Why do you love kettlebells so much?”

I actually wrote a blog post abut this. 🙂




“What types of clients do you see?”

I see respectful verified men aged 25+ and am happy to visit with people of all races, ethnicities and body compositions. I reserve the right to turn someone away for any reason, including if they are under the influence of drugs or are drunk upon arrival, or if they do drugs or drink to sloppy excess during the date.




“Do you feel apprehension about being a “face / tattoo out” provider?”

I feel zero apprehension. My family, friends, and colleagues (in the fitness realm and beyond) know about Alyx. I screen thoroughly and keep a tight circle of clients. I also also spend a lot of time in various non-sex work professional spaces. Sometimes worlds collide but never to anyone’s detriment. Discretion is the name of the game as I straddle my life between two worlds.





“What is / are your favorite…”

colors neon orange, emerald, amethyst, black

music My music library is vast and spans generations, and I would love to share my favorite playlists with you during our dates. I love vast swathes of styles / artists stretching from Baroque to Alt-J to Garth Brooks. From Calexio to Leonard Cohen. I am in love with this incredible group from Mali, and I link to a few of my favorite alt country / indie / roots bands in this blog post.

en suite date snacks raw almonds, berries, charcuterie, sushi, foie gras (seriously)

en suite date libations Still water and mineral water with lime, preferably both at the same! That way I may pretend that I’m imbibing. I (mostly) quit drinking in November 2022 in the interest of aesthetics and muscle synthesis, and while I may be convinced to enjoy a little bubbly with a superlative suitor every now and then, I spend most of my days and nights teetotaling.

micro micrometazoans the mighty tardigrade (the subject of one of my tattoos)

standup comedy bit Please allow me to reenact it for you in person?

architecture Brutalist (retro-futuristic + pragmatic = fantastic)

artist Salvador Dali (I own an original, thanks to a client!)

book While it is impossible to chose a singular favorite book, I have chosen to ink excerpts from The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Breakfast of Champions upon my flesh