Update & Schedule

Updated 2.17.24 Be sure to visit my free Substack blog: On Sex & Donuts!


My social media presence has diminished over the last few weeks as I’ve conscientiously taken a break from it. And during this time, when I have popped up, I’ve made various nods to “stepping away for a little while”. All my allusions have been vague, and so this morning I’m writing to fill in the blanks. Here is an update on the exciting turn my fall has taken and what that means for you and I.

First, I recently entered yet another new chapter in my career journey by landing a scalable role in the men’s health industry. It is a seamless progression and a logical fit, and I’m excited to leverage my fitness/wellness credentials plus the human experience, empathy, and desire to support I’ve long implemented as Alyx into a new role. 🙂

Beyond this, I’m spending more time pursuing passion projects and relaxation away from work as well as Being Alyx™️ on a small scale.

My November is as booked as I care for it to be, and each joyous date is with someone I’ve known for a long time. Overnights, dinners, comedy shows, and concerts abound. An ATF is flying into Chicago just to spend a few hours with me, and I will be lucky enough to reconnect with the men who inspired both Night of a Thousand Pleasures and What Differentiates a Bad Client From a Good One.

So there you have it! These are some of the reasons why I have been – and will continue to be – scarce.** Like the way this sounds? Want a dose of the positivity, growth mindset, wellness and momentum? I’d love that, so please reach out if we haven’t met but you’d like get on my extremely limited December 6th and beyond dance card.


me 😘


** I’m also orchestrating a large scale bathroom renovation, crushing it in the gym, working on mastering a new sport, spending more time with my friends, continuing to dabble in light age defying biohacking via testosterone implantation, catching up on reading, and – in true nerd/creative weirdo fashion – sculpting miniature food out of polymer clay. 🍰🍞🥬🍅🍗🧀