You deserve.
Never forget that you deserve to be proud, both of who you are now and of how far you've come. You deserve to enjoy the fruits of you strength, perseverance, and resourcefulness. You deserve to feel comfortable, both in life
The fearousal phenomenon
If I had a dollar for every time one of my lovers confessed that he was initially intimidated by me, I’d
"But in love poetry of every age, the woman longs to be weighed down by the man's body." - Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being I knew his body so well that I could feel the ghost of it. I could
Weight, Pt. 1
A man’s body on top of mine is primal, and it is weight. It is soul-to-soul through locked eyes and firmly gripping fingers. I am his conquest in the moment, welcoming his besting with flushed skin and orgasmic profanity.
Decisiveness, Communication & Phenomenal Sex.
Originally written & posted in December 2022, this from-the-hip post - as they all are - was written quickly and without any semblance of editing. If you’ve followed me for some time, you’ll remember a post in my old blog titled That New
He knew he was in trouble. (video)
He knew he was in trouble when my devilish giggle appeared. Dirty utterances and intuitive touch. Teasing and aching yet undeniably light. He knew he was in trouble, and he fucking loved it. Visit On Sex & Donuts for a
Five Date Ideas
Visit my Substack - On Sex & Donuts - for an updated list! LINK CONTAINS MUSIC Here are five a few of my more unique ideas! I originally posted this in 2023 plus two new dates finally added on 2.5.24! This list
What differentiates a bad client from a good one?
Originally posted December 2022 "Relationship" is a word that carries an endless number of connotations. It can be used to describe the bond we share with our spouse or our children (or yours - I'm single and childless), or our friends. It
Gray Skies, Weirdos & Music.
This from-the-hip post - as they all are - was written quickly and without any semblance of editing. One of my favorite ways to beat these Chicago winter blues is to indulge in a minimum of one staycation every thirty days between the
Just a tease. (erotic video)
While my OnlyFans will remain a thing of the past, I will never waste an opportunity to tease. So upon rediscovering this dirty gem, I knew that I had to share it with you once again. And it is my